Boundaries By Design: A Guidebook for Creating Boundaries to Meet Core Emotional Needs
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Connecting the source of your trigger to an unmet core emotional need is a game changer. Boundaries By Design: Creating Boundaries to Meet Core Emotional Needs is a guidebook written to help you reclaim your life through heart-centered, self-loving boundaries.
This 59-page guidebook delves into all 15 core emotional needs every human requires for healthy self-esteem. This Guidebook can help you:
- Connect your thoughts to the kinds of thoughts an Unmet Need would say when triggered
- Identify other behaviors that people with this Unmet Need might adopt as a coping strategy
- Uncover other unhealthy patterns / thoughts related to your Unmet Needs
- Create boundaries through new actions and responses to triggering events
- Affirm your worthiness of cultivating self-loving boundaries
Cultivating these Core Emotional Needs within our lives leads to healthier relationships and greater personal power.
This guidebook will help you:
- Demystify the emotional whirlwind a trigger can sink you into
- Understand the Core Emotional Need behind an unhealthy pattern
- Open your awareness to the maladaptations (beliefs, stories, and behaviors) you adopted to deal with the missing need.
- Cut down the time it takes to move out of a trigger and into the emotional healing your soul seeks.